Core Stability

How Sure Squat Helps Core Stability
Sure Squat provides a 4" heavy duty support belt which enhances intra-abdominal pressure creating a more rigid and robust core protecting the lumbar spine during squat movements and heavy lifting activities. Sure Squat also helps improve movement planning and lifting mechanics preventing unsafe compensatory movements and excessive strain and stress on the joints of the low back and lower extremities.
What is core stability?
The "core" is composed of your abdominal muscles, low back paraspinal muscles, and pelvic muscles. Core stability is the ability to activate and control your core muscles to improve the rigidity of the spine protecting from excessive loads and to effectively transfer force from the lower body to the upper body and vice versa. Core muscles are the body's base of support and the foundation for safe and effective movement. If stable, a strong core can improve safe movement performance and prevents back and lower extremity injuries.
Why does weak core stability occur?
Weak core muscles can occur with inadequate training regimens, following back surgery, and living sedentary lifestyles. Without proper core strength your body is forced to compensate to complete the movement desired, which many times can be unsafe.
Why is poor core stability a problem?
Poor core strength may result in faulty body mechanics throughout the low back and lower extremities. The inability to maintain appropriate core stability during a squat and/or lifting movements can result in reduced intra-abdominal pressure causing inadequate force transfer throughout your body as well as poor movement patterns. The lack of safe energy transfer and movement patterns can place unnecessary stress on your low-back, hips, and knees which increases the risk of injury.