What is Sure Squat and how does it help?

Sure Squat is an elastic exoskeleton designed to assist and enhance squatting technique by providing support to specific areas of the body. While it doesn't actively move the limbs, Sure Squat offers mechanical assistance and can help improve overall biomechanics. Here's how Sure Squat can contribute to better squatting technique:

  1. **Proprioceptive Feedback:**

    - Sure Squat is proven to increase proprioceptive feedback and provides real-time proprioception on squatting technique. This feedback can help users make immediate adjustments to their form. Body awareness is key to safe squatting technique.

  1. **Increased Confidence:**

   - Knowing that they have additional support, individuals may feel more confident in performing squats. This confidence can be psychologically beneficial and contribute to better adherence to training programs.

  1. **Joint Support:**

   - Sure Squat is designed to provide support to joints such as the hips and knees. This support can reduce the load on these joints during squats, potentially decreasing the risk of injuries and promoting better long-term joint health.

  1. **Enhanced Stability:**

   - Sure Squat can enhance stability by providing external support to the user's core and lower body. This increased stability can help individuals maintain a more upright and controlled position during squats.

  1. **Postural Assistance:**

   - Sure Squat is designed to assist in maintaining proper posture during movements like squats. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who struggle with maintaining correct alignment.

  1. **Reduced Fatigue:**

   - By offering support to key muscle groups, Sure Squat can help reduce the fatigue experienced during squatting. This can be advantageous for individuals recovering from injuries or those with muscle weakness.

  1. **Customizable Assistance:**

   - Sure Squat is designed with adjustable settings to provide customizable levels of assistance. This allows users to tailor the support to their specific needs and gradually decrease assistance as strength and technique improve.

  1. **Promotion of Correct Movement Patterns:**

   - Sure Squat can assist users in maintaining proper movement patterns during squats. This reinforcement of correct form can contribute to motor learning, helping individuals develop and internalize better squatting techniques over time.

  1. **Load Distribution:**

   - Sure Squat can help distribute the load more evenly across the lower body. This can be especially beneficial for individuals who may have imbalances or weaknesses in certain muscle groups.

  1. **Rehabilitation Support:**

   - For individuals recovering from injuries or undergoing rehabilitation, Sure Squat exoskeleton can provide targeted support, allowing them to engage in squatting exercises with reduced strain on injured areas.